Monday, November 2, 2009

Symptoms of Dengue Virus

1) High fever and at least 2 of the following

a) Severe headache

b) Severe eye pain (behind eyes)

c) Joint pain

d) Muscle and/or bone pain

e) Rash

f) Mild bleeding manifestation (e.g., nose or gum bleed, petechiae, or easy bruising)

g) Low white cell count

For younger children and those with their first dengue infection will have a milder illness than older children and adults.

Warning signs as temperature declines 3 to 7 days after symptoms appear:

a) Severe abdominal pain or persistent vomiting

b) Red spots or patches on the skin

c) Bleeding from nose or gums

d) Vomiting blood

e) Black, tarry stools (feces, excrement)

f) Drowsiness or irritability

g) Pale, cold, or clammy skin

h) Difficulty breathing

Go IMMEDIATELY to an emergency room or the closest health care provider
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is characterized by a fever that lasts from 2 to 7 days, with general signs and symptoms consistent with dengue fever. When the fever declines, warning signs may develop. This marks the beginning of a 24 to 48 hour period when the smallest blood vessels become excessively permeable, allowing the fluid component to escape from the blood vessels into the peritoneum and pleural cavity. This may lead to failure of the circulatory system and shock, and possibly death without prompt, appropriate treatment. In addition, the patient with DHF has a low platelet count and hemorrhagic manifestations, tendency to bruise easily or have other types of skin hemorrhages, bleeding nose or gums, and possibly internal bleeding.

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